Self care

What to do and what not to do after a poisonous snake bite.

The number of deaths due to snake bite in India every year is alarming. Every year around 20000 to 25000 deaths are occurring due to…

Are you also troubled by obesity? Adopt the right solution to get rid of obesity –

The problem of obesity is now emerging as a common problem. The rapidly changing lifestyle…

Are you troubled by heat rash? Then adopt these methods to get rid of it –

Summer season brings fun and excitement for many people. But you all know that it…

What are the benefits of facial steam. How to prepare it at home

Taking face steam opens up the pores of the face, which removes the dead cells…

Effective solution to get rid of high blood pressure in Ayurveda – Causes, symptoms and treatment.

High blood pressure treatment in Ayurveda – The problem of high blood pressure or hypertension…


Protein: Daily Requirement, Sources of Protein and Protein Benefits.

Your daily requirement for protein is influenced by a number of variables, including as your…

12 of the best Biotin rich foods that gives glowing skin and strong hair.

Biotin is a vitamin that gives beautiful skin and grows thick hair. Vitamin B7, sometimes…

Digestive biscuits –beneficial or harmful? know in details.

Digestive biscuits : Are digestive biscuits really as healthy as claimed? The taste of digestive…

The Impact of Sugar- How harmful or beneficial it is for health.

The Impact of Sugar : Everyone loves sweetness since childhood. We all know that this…


Murkssha Pranayama Yoga practice in details- method and benefits of doing it step by step.

Murkssha Pranayama Yoga practice : Murkssha Pranayama yoga practice is a difficult yoga practice technique,…

Ujjayi Pranayama Yoga practice in details- method and benefits of doing it step by step.

Ujjayi Pranayam yoga practice is a popular Pranayam excercise in Yoga which can help in…

Pranayama yoga practice – types, benefits and method of doing it step by step.

Pranayam which means continuous expansion of life force energy. Pranayam is a Sanskrit word. It is…

Tadasana Yoga -methology and benefits. Learn step by step.

Tadasana ( Mountain posture) is a traditional asana. This yoga is very simple and accessible.…

Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) a very beneficial yoga .Let us know step by step

Surya namaskar yoga(sun salutation) Surya Namaskar Yoga is a wonderful yoga activity, if you do…


These fitness tips are very effective for us Indians during winter time.

India’s winters might be difficult for staying in shape because of the lower temperatures and…

Fatty liver grade 1- natural way to get rid of it.

Fatty liver grade 1: Fatty liver grade 1 is a disease in which fat starts…

Habits, that keep you away from heart diseases .

Habits that keep you away from heart diseases : Making some lifestyle changes can dramatically…

Important tips for Staying Healthy as You Get Older .

Regular Physical Activity: Perform routine physical activity that is appropriate for your preferences and skills.…

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