The Impact of Sugar- How harmful or beneficial it is for health.

The Impact of Sugar :

Everyone loves sweetness since childhood. We all know that this sweetness reaches us from many sources, of which in the modern era, a big source is sugar which is processed from sugar factories and reaches our plates or mouths.
But do you know what effect this sugar has on our health if we do not consume it wisely? So should we stop eating sweets or sweeteners?

Let us understand through this important article on this important topics
First let us understand what effect consuming it in excess can have on health:

1- Weight gain or obesity :-

Sugar has high calories and low nutrients, that is, the foods high in sugar that we eat or drink increase calorie consumption instead of providing nutrition to the body, due to which our weight increases. Especially sugar is responsible for weight gain or obesity. Is considered to be the cause.

2- Increased risk of chronic disease :-

Excessive consumption of sugar increases triglyceride levels in our body and insulin levels become abnormal, which can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

3-Abnormal blood sugar: –

When we consume sugar in large amounts, the sugar level in the blood increases or decreases rapidly. Due to which our body may become tired and may suffer from instability of energy.

4-Addiction or intoxication of eating sweets: –Sugar also has this property, which encourages us to eat more sweetness, which makes it difficult to control intake and can upset the balance of food.
5-Dental disease: –

Due to excessive consumption, the bacteria in the mouth eat sugar and produce acid, as a result the tooth enamel starts getting destroyed and the chances of gum disease increases. Therefore, sugar plays a major role in tooth decay.

6-Mental health :-

Scientific studies have shown that excessive sugar consumption has a negative impact on our mental health, although research on its accuracy is still ongoing.

Should one stop consuming sugar due to the above reasons?

Absolutely not!

If it is consumed in small or balanced quantities, it is a source of quick energy for our body, replenishes glycogen, helps in digestion, has a positive effect on mental health and also increases the taste of our food. .

Ultimately, it is important to note that excessive sugar consumption from processed foods and sugary beverages is the cause of all these risks. Along with sugar, fiber, vitamins and minerals are naturally found in whole foods, fruits, and dairy products, which reduce the negative effects of sugar.
Therefore, we should balance the intake of excess sugar. Consuming sugar in moderation is part of a balanced diet and sugar should be enjoyed only when consumed in moderation.

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