Fatty liver grade 1- natural way to get rid of it.

Fatty liver grade 1:

Fatty liver grade 1 is a disease in which fat starts accumulating in the liver cells. The initial stage of this disease is called fatty liver grade 1. It is also called mild hepatic steatosis.Fatty liver patients are increasing rapidly in India . Patients with fatty liver have a higher risk of heart attack.The reason for fatty liver is our changing, uncontrolled, disorganized lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption and wrong eating habits. We can stay away from this by modifying our lifestyle. Natural remedies and some exercises are very beneficial in this disease, which can be helpful in getting rid of fatty liver.

Causes of fatty liver :

The main cause of fatty liver is the accumulation of fat in the liver. Due to this, the liver stops working properly due to which other functions of the body start getting affected. There are other causes of fatty liver such as chronic arthritis, virus infections, Wilson’s disease, liver diseases, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Common symptoms of fatty liver –

Its common symptoms include loss of appetite, pain on the right side of the stomach, weight loss, feeling always tired, nausea etc. There may be other symptoms also.

Possible natural remedies –

Stay hydrated –

About 70% of our body is water. You can understand how important it is to drink enough water. Adequate water is helpful in removing toxins from our body. We should drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water every day. This helps the liver to function smoothly and actively.

Modification in diet –

By modifying the diet, one can also get rid of fatty liver and other diseases. We should pay attention to taking a balanced diet. These include fruits, vegetables, salads, proven grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. One should avoid processing foods or fast food, excessive consumption of sugar, refined carbs like white bread, pasta etc. These are always harmful for health.

regular exercise –

Regular exercise improves overall health.
Regular exercise or regular physical activity reduces liver fat. You can also do strength training exercises. Regular yoga asanas can also be used. You can include brisk walking, cycling and swimming etc. in your daily routine. We should aim for at least 160 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise per week.

Ayurvedic treatment –

Ayurvedic medicine is very effective in the treatment of liver. Certain herbs such as milk thistle, turmeric, and burdock, which are known to treat liver disease, have been used in Indian culture since ancient times.
However, it is important to consult a doctor before taking any medication or supplement as some side effects may occur for certain individuals.

Weight management – ​​

Liver problems are more common in people suffering from obesity. If you are overweight, then losing weight can lead to significant improvement in fatty liver diseases. You can be successful in weight loss by modifying your diet and doing regular exercise.

Alcohol abuse –

Alcohol is one of the main causes of fatty liver. Excessive consumption of alcohol further complicates the problem of fatty liver. We should completely avoid alcohol consumption.

Therefore, we can avoid fatty liver by making changes in our lifestyle and eating habits.
It is important to know that the above information related to fatty liver grade 1 is a general information. Effectiveness may vary from person to person. Therefore, it is essential to seek guidance from a health care professional for proper diagnosis and effective guidance as per the stage of the disease.

Digestive biscuits –beneficial or harmful? know in details.

Digestive biscuits :

Are digestive biscuits really as healthy as claimed? The taste of digestive biscuits is unique. Along with its unique taste, does it have any other benefits for our body? Let us investigate this matter in detail.

Digestive biscuits are typically made from a mixture of proof wheat flour, baking powder, sugar, vegetable oil, and salt. Some specialty biscuits may include additional ingredients such as oats or bran. Whole wheat biscuits may have some benefits. Digestive biscuits are made from pure wheat grains which is its best feature.

Digestive biscuits are considered good for health, that is why people like to buy or eat this biscuit. Flour( maida) is not used in digestive biscuits. It is prepared from wheat so it is easily digested in the stomach.
However, it is also a processed food, hence it has its own disadvantages.

Digestive biscuits are a special type of lightly sweetened and less hard biscuits. Although they may provide some nutritional benefits, they are not a substitute for a complete diet.

Digestive biscuits typically contain ingredients other than whole wheat, such as:
Oil, sugar or sugar, butter or ghee, spices including cardamom, nutmeg or black pepper, salt .These ingredients are necessary for digestion.

Marketing of digestive biscuits has been in trend for the last few years, they claim it to be healthy and good for the stomach health and digestive system . But after consuming it, problems like constipation, sour belching, gas etc.. Like the effects of taking regular biscuits ,which put a question mark on their claim. To increase the taste, sodium is also included in its mixture, excess of which in our body leads to high blood pressure. And can become a cause of heart diseases.

Nowadays, in the production of all these digestive biscuits, along with natural sweetener, artificial sweetener is also used, excessive quantity of which increases the risk of increasing blood sugar.
Digestive biscuits contain 10 to 15 percent saturated fat and this is not considered good for the body. According to doctors, consuming too many biscuits increases fat in the body. When it is consumed in excess, it can make you suffer from diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, obesity etc.

In summary, digestive biscuits can be enjoyed occasionally or as a quick snack, but should not be relied upon as a primary source of nutrition. It is always best to prefer a varied and balanced diet that includes a wide range of nutrient-rich foods.

Murkssha Pranayama Yoga practice in details- method and benefits of doing it step by step.

Murkssha Pranayama Yoga practice :

Murkssha Pranayama yoga practice is a difficult yoga practice technique, it is for those who are adept at previous yoga exercises.
Murksha means ‘state of unconsciousness’. This feeling of unconsciousness is considered to generate happiness, it concentrates the mind and activates life energy. In this yoga practice, the breath has to be taken in slowly and exhaled slowly.
The breath can be held for some time as per one’s capacity.
By doing this regularly, anxiety, mental disorders, stress etc. go away. The brain and body become energetic. Controls breathing and stabilizes the nervous system.

Method to do this –

1.First of all, sit in a comfortable posture, such as Padmasana, Sukhasana, Vajrasana or any other posture of your choice.

2.Slowly close the eyes and concentrate towards the nostrils for inhaling and exhaling.

3.Breathe slowly through your right nostril and make sure that after breathing, hold your breath as much as you can and then exhale slowly through the left nostril.

4.Keep in mind that during Murksha Pranayam, try to keep the mind away from worries and thoughts.

In general, you can start Murksha Pranayama slowly and do it for two-three minutes. Then you can increase it from time to time to five-ten minutes. Note that any pranayama should be done regularly to get maximum benefits.

Keep in mind that this exercise brings you into a state of unconsciousness. It is considered to be the sum of suspension of all mental activities, hence it should be practiced only under the guidance of an expert. Heart, lung and blood pressure patients should not do this exercise.

Ujjayi Pranayama Yoga practice in details- method and benefits of doing it step by step.

Ujjayi Pranayam yoga practice

is a popular Pranayam excercise in Yoga which can help in controlling breathing. The word Ujjayi means “victorious” i.e. overcoming breath control. The specialty of this pranayama is that in this the sound is pronounced from the inner, back part of the throat to absorb and exhale the breath.

Its method is as follows:

1.Sit in a Sukhasana or Padmasana and come to a state of inner peace. Keep the muscles calm.
2.Close your eyes and concentrate.
3.Breathe normally through your mouth.
4.Keeping your mouth closed, feel the breath towards the back of your throat and exhale through the nose with a throaty friction sound.
5.Similarly, keeping the body stable, inhale through both the nostrils making a sound and then exhale while making a sound.

Repeat this process and stay focused.
You can do this pranayam independently for 5-10 minutes.

Following are the main benefits of regular practice of Ujjayi Pranayama:

1.Stability: Ujjayi Pranayama helps to control breathing and brings the mind to a state of peace and stability.
2.Generation of Prana Shakti: Through this Pranayama, Prana Shakti (physical and mental energy) is generated and flows.
3.Breathing control ability: This pranayama increases your breathing control ability and helps in bringing more oxygen into the body, which increases energy.
4.Stability of mind: Ujjayi Pranayam helps in making the meditation stable and concentrated. Insomnia and mental stress also reduces.
5.Increase in strength and energy: Through this pranayama, you can activate your emotions by increasing your energy.
6.Cleansing the trachea: This pranayama helps in keeping the trachea clean and healthy.
7.It slows down the rate of breathing. It is believed that this results in longevity.
8.By doing this the complaint of stuttering and stammering also goes away.
9.Provides relief from thyroid problems.
10.Helpful in eradicating TB (tuberculosis).

Note that it would be best to take guidance from a yoga guru or instructor to perform Pranayam correctly. Beginners should not practice this breathing for more than five minutes a day. Heart patients should also not do this exercise.

Pranayama Yoga Practice – Types, Benefits and Method to do it step by step.

Pranayama yoga practice – types, benefits and method of doing it step by step.

Pranayam which means continuous expansion of life force energy. Pranayam is a Sanskrit word. It is a very important part of traditional yoga.  Pranayama yoga practice is the practice of breath regulation which involves the technique of increasing and regulating the flow of prana energy in the body.  Pranayam is considered to be the most effective way to control your breathing.
Mental balance can be achieved by controlling the breath through this yoga.
Pranayama Yoga kriya includes activities ranging from the simplest yoga practice to advanced yoga practice.

Yoga exercises of Pranayayama

1.Naadi Shodhan(pulse purification)–

Nadi shodhan is done through this Pranayam Yoga practice.  The number of Nadis in our body is 72000, this Yoga Kriya purifies them.  By doing this continuously and regularly, we get relief from mental disorders, high blood pressure, digestive system, migraine etc.  This yoga activity concentrates the mind.  Balances energy flow.

Nostril breathing exercise

Steps – First of all, spread a mat or any suitable thing and sit in Padmasana.  Now with the help of your thumb and little fingers, first press the right nostril and inhale through the left nostril, then press the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril, again inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left. Do this for about 5 minutes.  Do it for.

2. Shitali (coolness) Pranayam –

This is pranayama that cools the mind.  It is believed that this controls hunger and thirst and provides coolness to the mind.  By its continuous practice, bile defects are removed.  Calms emotional excitement, cures high blood pressure and stomach acidity.  Practicing this pranayama should be avoided in case of cold or cough.

Steps – In this Pranayama, breath is taken in through the mouth and exhaled through the nose. For this, first of all, sit at a suitable place in an open space, park or garden as before.  Now comfortably open your mouth, stick out your tongue a little, slowly take a long breath through your mouth, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale slowly through your nose. Repeat this action for five to six minutes. 

3. Ujjayi Pranayam –

Ujjayi Pranayam increases the length and stability of the breath, which increases the amount of oxygen which fills the body with energy.  This yoga exercise also cleans the respiratory tract.  Lung related disorders are cured.  It reduces stress and keeps the mind stable. This pranayama should be practiced only after getting used to the previous yoga exercises.

Suitable place to do Ujjayi Pranayam
Sit in a posture like Sukhasana or Padmasana, keep the back straight and stable.  with eyes closed
Take a deep breath and exhale slowly through the nose, making a friction sound as you feel the breath in the back of your throat.  In the beginning, you should try to exhale only slowly and carefully.
When you learn this technique you can take your breathing to greater depth and length.

Note that it may be easier to do Ujjayi Pranayama directly from the abdomen in a relaxed state, where you can leave your body and bring your awareness to your attention.

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4. Kapalbhati Pranayam –

Kapalbhati yoga practice is a very popular yoga practice.  It also has amazing benefits.  That is why it has been called life partner.  The word Kapalbhati is made up of Kapal and Bhati, Kapal means front part of the head and Bhati means light.
According to yoga gurus, doing this yoga practice regularly daily gives the following benefits.
improves the nervous system.
Along with preventing cholesterol, it keeps the heart healthy.
Removes the problem of heart blockage
Balances hormones.
Beneficial in migraine.
It also protects liver and kidney from many diseases.
keeps the body energetic.
Also cures dark circles under the eyes.
Along with this, it is beneficial in thyroid, depression, skin diseases, diabetes, allergy, stomach gas etc.
Please note that patients suffering from cervical disease and pregnant women may be at risk of doing this.

To do this, first of all sit in Padmasana posture.  Exhale while keeping your mouth closed with pressure on your stomach, let the process of breathing happen automatically. Your focus should be on exhaling with pressure on your stomach.  Men should try to do this yoga activity for about 10 minutes and women for 4 minutes.  If possible, take help of a yoga teacher.

5. Bhramari Pranayam –

Bhramari Pranayam is very beneficial in mental stress, depression and high blood pressure.  It is also called Night Yogakriya because after doing this Yogakriya, one gets better sleep, it is also very beneficial in the problem of sleep.  Therefore, with this yoga practice you can get relief from anxiety, despair and anger.

Its steps-
First of all, sit in a suitable posture in a calm environment.
Close your ears with both your thumbs and close your eyes with the other fingers. After this, keeping your mouth closed, slowly take a long breath and then chant Om while exhaling.
Take 3 to 4 seconds to inhale and 15 to 20 seconds to exhale.
Do this action 6 to 7 times.

6.Bhastrika Pranayama –

Doing this yoga practice regularly daily benefits the eyes, nose, ears and lungs.  It also improves digestion.
Please note, lung or respiratory patients, blood pressure patients, pregnant women, heart patients should not do this yoga.

In this yoga practice, the breath is taken in at a fast pace and then exhaled at a fast speed.  Do this for about 5 minutes.

7.Murksha Pranayama-

Murksha Pranayama is a difficult yoga practice technique, it is for those who are adept at previous yoga exercises.
Murksha means ‘state of unconsciousness’.
In this the breath is held inside for some time.
By doing this regularly, anxiety, mental disorders, stress etc. go away. The brain and body become energetic. Controls breathing and stabilizes the nervous system.

1.First of all, sit in a comfortable posture, such as Padmasana, Sukhasana, Vajrasana or any other posture of your choice.
2.Slowly close the eyes and concentrate on the nasal tip for inhaling and exhaling.
3.Breathe slowly through your right nostril and make sure that after breathing, hold your breath as much as you can and then exhale slowly through the left nostril.
4.Keep in mind that during Murksha Pranayam, try to keep the mind away from worries and thoughts.

Keep in mind that this exercise brings you into a state of unconsciousness. It is considered to be the sum of suspension of all mental activities, hence it should be practiced only under the guidance of an expert. Heart, lung and blood pressure patients should not do this exercise.

8. Plavani Pranayam –

This yoga practice is a pranayama technique for controlling the respiratory system that is taught in various religious and yogic traditions.

Inhale slowly and exhale slowly, while inhaling, bulge your stomach outward like a balloon, then exhale slowly and slowly pull your stomach inwards.
Keep in mind that the key is to inhale and exhale slowly.

It is important to note that Pranayama should not be practiced if you are already suffering from respiratory problems, lung or heart disease.  Pranayam excercise should be learned and practiced only under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher or instructor, especially for beginners.  Qualified teachers can ensure proper and correct technique and guide you by suggesting pranayama practices best suited to your individual needs and abilities.

Habits, that keep you away from heart diseases .

Habits that keep you away from heart diseases :

Making some lifestyle changes can dramatically lower the risk of having a heart attack, even if it is hard to totally remove the risk. The following are some preventative steps one can take to safeguard their heart health

1.Adopt a heart-healthy diet:

It’s important to have a balanced, wholesome diet. Put an emphasis on eating whole grains, lean proteins like fish and poultry, fresh produce, fruits, and low-fat dairy products. Reduce your intake of added sugars, cholesterol, sodium, trans fats, and saturated and trans fatty acids.

2.Blood pressure management:

One of the main risk factors for heart attacks is high blood pressure. Keep a close eye on your blood pressure and take your medications as directed by your doctor. Reduce your salt intake and exercise frequently to help keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.

3.Keep a healthy weight:

Obesity and overweight increase the risk of heart attacks and other cardiovascular conditions. Aim for a BMI of 18.5-24.9, which is considered healthy. Maintain a healthy weight by eating a balanced diet and exercising frequently.

4.Regularly engage in physical activity:

Maintaining heart health requires physical activity. At least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, can reduce the risk of heart attacks. Include strength training workouts twice per week as well.

5.Put an end to smoking:

Smoking harms blood vessels, lowers oxygen delivery, and raises the risk of heart attacks and heart disease. One of the best methods to lower your risk of heart attacks and enhance your general health is to stop smoking. If necessary, seek professional assistance or sign up for quitting programs.

6.Drink in moderation:

Drinking too much alcohol increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. If you do consume alcohol, do so sparingly.

7.Control your stress:

Heart disease can be worse by ongoing stress. Find healthy coping mechanisms for stress, such as exercise, mindfulness practices, hobbies, or asking friends and family for help.

8.Manage diabetes:

Diabetes increases the risk of heart attacks by damaging blood vessels and nerves. Diabetes sufferers should control their blood sugar levels by a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and, if necessary, medication.

9.Get regular checkups:

Detecting and controlling risk factors that contribute to heart attacks requires regular health checkups. Make sure you go to your doctor frequently and heed their recommendations.

10.Consider your family history:

Heart health is significantly influenced by family history. Understand your family’s history of heart disease so you can identify your risk factors and take the necessary precautions.

11. prescribed drugs as directed:

Definitely follow your doctor’s instructions. If there is a problem of high blood pressure, increasing cholesterol or diabetes, then take medicines on time as per the instructions of the doctors.
These medicines reduce the risk of heart attack to a great extent.

Remember, preventing heart attacks requires a comprehensive approach that combines healthy lifestyle choices, regular medical care, and awareness of personal risk factors. By implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce your risk and promote a heart-healthy life.

Important tips for Staying Healthy as You Get Older .

Regular Physical Activity:

Perform routine physical activity that is appropriate for your preferences and skills. This can include any enjoyable kind of exercise, such as brisk walking, yoga, cycling, swimming, or swimming. Aim for at least 150 minutes per week of strength training activities and moderate-intensity aerobic activity.

Yoga and Meditation:

Appreciate the advantages of these practices, which have their origins in Indian culture. These exercises can enhance your physical and mental health overall as well as your flexibility and balance. To get started, look for nearby yoga classes or online resources.

Balanced Diet:

Maintain a healthy diet that is both balanced and nutrient-dense and consists of a mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Include traditional Indian fare like as dal (lentils), roti (whole wheat bread), veggies, and yoghurt, which are rich in necessary nutrients.

Adequate Hydration:

Drink lots of water all day long to stay hydrated. In addition to water, you can drink hydrating liquids like buttermilk, coconut water, and health-promoting herbal teas like ginger or tulsi.

Portion Control:

Watch the sizes of your portions to prevent overeating. In order to maintain a healthy weight and avoid overindulging, use portion control when eating Indian food, which frequently features rich and savory dishes.

Stress Management:

Give tactics for reducing stress, like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and relaxation methods, top priority. Spend time doing things that make you happy and help you relax, such playing music, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in hobbies.

Recurring Medical Exams:

Plan routine checkups with your healthcare practitioner to keep track of your overall health, spot possible problems early, and get the right medical guidance. This may involve tests for illnesses commonly associated with aging, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol levels.

Social Connections:

Uphold solid social ties with friends, family, and the larger community. The danger of loneliness and isolation can be decreased by participating in social activities and maintaining connections.

Get adequate Restorative Sleep:

Make sure you get adequate sleep. Try to get 7-8 hours of restful sleep every night. Create a relaxing sleeping environment, establish a regular sleep schedule, and refrain from consuming too much caffeine or using electronics just before bed.

Give Up Unhealthy Habits:

If you smoke or drink too much alcohol, try to cut back on these behaviors. If necessary, get assistance from medical experts or support organizations.

We hope that this article will help you in living a healthy life with increasing age. also keep in mind that these are only general advice . It’s crucial to speak with a medical expert or registered dietitian who can offer individualized guidance based on your unique health situation, nutritional needs, and way of life.

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