What to do and what not to do after a poisonous snake bite.

The number of deaths due to snake bite in India every year is alarming. Every year around 20000 to 25000 deaths are occurring due to snake bite. Often people are not able to reach the doctor on time after snake bite. One of the biggest reasons for the high death toll is that sufficient quantity of antivenom serum is not available in all the hospitals. However, many steps have been taken by the government to improve the production and distribution of antivenom serum. Apart from this, in some rural and remote areas, people do not go to the hospital and depend on their traditional treatment and due to the treatment not being effective, the victim dies.

In such a situation, it is very important to know what we should do first and what we should not do when bitten by a poisonous snake, what symptoms can appear after snake bite.

What to do first when bitten by a poisonous snake: –

  1. Stay absolutely calm and do not panic. Panic can increase the danger even more rapidly.
  2. Wash the snakebite thoroughly with soap and water. This prevents the poison from spreading.
  3. Do not put any pressure on the bitten area and do not tie that area with anything.
  4. Take the person bitten by the snake to the nearest hospital or medical center as soon as possible.

What not to do: –

  1. Do not try any home remedies on snake bite. This can make the situation worse.
  2. Do not try to catch or touch a poisonous snake.
  3. Do not try to feed the snakebite person anything for home treatment as it can create hindrance during treatment in the hospital.
  4. Do not apply any pressure or compression on the bitten area, this can increase the wound and the poison can spread.

What symptoms can appear after snake bite: –

  1. There can be severe pain and swelling at the place of snake bite.
  2. Blood can come out from the snakebite area.
  3. Due to the toxicity of poison, skin may burn or itch.
  4. Due to toxicity, weakness or fatigue may be felt in the muscles of the body.
  5. Due to the spread of poison in the body, a serious reaction may occur such as the person may faint or feel dizzy.
  6. Due to toxicity, the functioning of the digestive system may be affected. The person may have constipation or diarrhea.

Are you also troubled by obesity? Adopt the right solution to get rid of obesity –

The problem of obesity is now emerging as a common problem. The rapidly changing lifestyle of people, improper living style, improper eating habits which have become irregular, increasing pollution, improper working hours, sitting in front of the screen for a long time, lack of physical activity or physical activities etc. are the reasons due to which the number of people suffering from obesity is increasing day by day. Sometimes this problem also proves to be fatal because due to this the body becomes prone to many diseases. Due to obesity, the infection of diseases is also increasing rapidly, which is affecting millions of people.

Now obesity is not just a health problem but has become a social problem. You can see around you that often obese people are unhappy with their condition and their social recognition level also decreases. In such a situation, it is very important that you take measures to prevent obesity in time, understand these measures and adopt them.

Ways to avoid obesity:

Eating on time:

Irregularity in eating causes many diseases and irregular eating can also cause obesity. That is why it is very important to eat food before and on time.

Increase physical activities:

One of the most important ways to prevent obesity is to increase physical activities. For this, we should exercise regularly. Obesity can be easily cured by increasing physical activity. Exercise can be of any form such as gyming, jogging, yoga, regular running, etc.

Chewing slowly:

By chewing slowly, saliva mixes well with the food, which makes it easier to digest food. Chewing comfortably takes time to eat food, which prevents you from overeating, which helps in getting rid of obesity.

Healthy eating:

The role of healthy eating is important to avoid obesity. Green vegetables and fruits should be eaten as much as possible. Avoid eating oily and fatty foods. Avoid eating at many places. It is very important to eat healthy and nutritious food.Try to eat at home as much as possible. If you go out for work, take home cooked food with you. Outside food is mostly high in fat and high in calories. This should be avoided.

Staying away from stress:

One of the main reasons for obesity is a stressful lifestyle. We become so busy in our business that our lifestyle becomes full of stress and anxiety. As a result, our body type changes because we are not able to pay proper attention to regular exercise and mental state.

Five vegetables that reduce obesity:

Bottle gourd:

Bottle gourd has low calories and also contains sufficient amount of water and fiber. This quality of it controls hunger. If you drink a glass of bottle gourd juice in the morning without filtering it, then your body will get adequate amount of fiber and calories will be reduced.


This vegetable contains vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates in abundance. There is almost no fat in broccoli. Vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. are also found in it. It is easily digested. This vegetable is very helpful in reducing obesity.

Bitter gourd:

Full of many medicinal properties, bitter gourd may be bitter in taste but it is like nectar for diabetic patients. It reduces body fat. Its consumption also controls blood sugar.It burns the fat present in the body.


Carotene is found in pumpkin which is helpful in reducing obesity. The taste of pumpkin vegetable is somewhat sweet. Drinking its juice in the morning is very beneficial. To reduce weight, it is advisable to use pumpkin in the form of salad, juice and vegetable.


It also has the properties of pumpkin. Eating cucumber makes the stomach feel full, which reduces hunger. It removes the lack of water in the body. It contains about 90 percent water. Eating it without peeling is more beneficial because its peel contains fiber and nutrients. It should be used as a salad with food.

By adopting some of the above effective measures, we can avoid obesity. Obesity is a danger for everyone, so we should actively fight against it by adopting the right measures. The most important thing is that we should keep this thing in mind that if we stay healthy, we will be able to inspire the people around us to avoid it. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, we not only live a healthy life but can also remain young and agile for a long time.

Are you troubled by heat rash? Then adopt these methods to get rid of it –

Summer season brings fun and excitement for many people. But you all know that it also brings many health related problems. Many health related challenges have to be faced during the summer season. One of these challenges is the occurrence of heat rash on the body which is more visible during the summer season.

Prickly heat is a common skin problem in the summer season. In this, the skin becomes red. Itching and swelling are also seen. Chest, shoulder, waist, back, hands and other parts also get affected. Prickly heat usually occurs in the summer season.

Why does ghamoriya occur in summer season?

There can be many reasons for ghamoriya in the summer season:

  1. Excessive sweating and humidity:
    In summer, the body sweats more, the sweat gets trapped under the skin. Due to sweat, the skin becomes moist and sticky. This is a major cause of heat rash.
  2. Sun’s ultraviolet light:
    The rays of the sun fall strongly and directly in the summer season, which causes many skin related disorders, one of which is heat rash.
  3. Accumulation of sticky substances on the skin:
    In summer, sweat, oil and dust accumulate on the skin, which increases the risk of infection which can cause heat rash.
  4. Fungal infection:
    Due to humidity and moisture in the summer season, there is a high possibility of fungal infection, which can be a cause of heat rash.

Some home remedies can be quite effective to get relief from heat rashes in the summer season:

These are some effective home remedies that can help you prevent heat rashes in the summer season. Apart from these, there can be some more home remedies which can be beneficial for you.

  1. Regular cleaning of the skin: It is important to clean the skin regularly using soap, warm water and soft scrub.
  2. Use of cold water: Spraying cold water on the affected areas can provide relief.
  3. Use of oil or ointment: Using light, relaxing oils or ointments can also be beneficial.
  4. Consumption of probiotic foods: Consuming probiotic foods can improve skin health.

Some effective home remedies to avoid heat rashes in the summer season are:

  1. Drink lemon water: Lemon contains vitamin C and antioxidants that help reduce angina.
  2. Eat sprouted grains: Sprouted grains help protect the body from sun rays and keep the body cool intermittently.
  3. Eat pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce angina.
  4. Apply rose water on the body: Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that keep the skin cool and moist.
  5. Apply potato paste: Potato contains starch that provides a cooling effect on the skin.
  6. Drink bitter gourd juice: The calcium and vitamin C present in bitter gourd help reduce angina.

However, the above mentioned treatments prove to be very effective in getting rid of heat rashes but There is no standard way to treat heat rash. If the weather is too hot or humid and your body sweats a lot, then there is a high possibility that heat rash may appear again after it is cured.If this is the case then any medicine or remedy will work only when the humidity or heat reduces or the weather becomes cold and one can get complete relief from prickly heat.

What are the benefits of facial steam. How to prepare it at home

Taking face steam opens up the pores of the face, which removes the dead cells and dirt accumulated on the face, which eliminates problems like pimples and acne. Face steam makes the face soft and supple by increasing the moisture of the skin. Taking steam increases the blood circulation of the skin, which increases nutrients and oxygen in the skin, due to which the face starts glowing. The biggest advantage of the recipe we are going to tell you is that it is beneficial without any cost or without any side effects and it can be easily made at home.

How to prepare facial steam at home:

It is very easy to make it at home. The following ingredients will be required for this. Ingredients:

1) Lemon or amla juice

2) Salt

Method of preparation:

1) First of all take lemon or amla juice and add a small amount of salt to it.

2) Apply this mixture on the face in equal quantity.

3) Now heat water in a vessel till it turns into steam. Now keep your face on that steam for 10 to 15 minutes.

4) Now a steam will form on your face which will clean the pores and make your face shiny and attractive.

5) To get good results, do this process three to four times a week.

Effective solution to get rid of high blood pressure in Ayurveda – Causes, symptoms and treatment.

High blood pressure treatment in Ayurveda –

The problem of high blood pressure or hypertension is a common health problem which is prevalent in public.

High blood pressure is caused due to disturbances in the heart, kidneys and blood circulation system. This disease can happen to anyone. People who are more sensitive to anger, fear, sadness or other emotions. They are more prone to this disease. People who work hard and are under more stress, drink alcohol or smoke more.

Apart from this, there are other factors such as genetic factors – if there is a history of high blood pressure in your family.

Diet – Taking a diet rich in salt and oil and high calories containing cholesterol, consuming tobacco and alcohol and consuming other fat-rich foods increases the problem of blood pressure.

Lifestyle – If we do not do regular physical activity, sit for a long time. Stay under more stress. Do not sleep properly. Suffer from obesity. Such unhealthy lifestyle can also be a factor of high blood pressure.

What can be the symptoms of high blood pressure.

Due to high blood pressure, there is headache and dizziness.

Heart beat increases.

Laziness increases. Due to restlessness, one does not feel like doing anything.

Digestive capacity starts decreasing.

Sometimes darkness starts appearing before the eyes.

The problem of sleeplessness increases.

Ayurvedic treatment –

  1. Grind two cloves of raw garlic and lick it in the morning to normalize high blood pressure.
  2. Use of rock salt instead of ordinary salt is beneficial for a patient of high blood pressure.
  3. Mix fennel, cumin and sugar candy in equal quantity and make powder. Now take this powder with plain water in the morning and evening.
  4. Mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of honey and take it with warm water every morning.
  5. Boil one teaspoon of Arjun bark powder in water and drink it to normalize high blood pressure.

Constipation problem and its effective Ayurvedic treatment.

We have brought an effective Ayurvedic solution to get rid of the problem of constipation.
First of all we need to know what is the problem of constipation and why does it occur?
Constipation is a common health problem in which a person has less than normal or irregular bowel movements in the digestive system. This condition often does not meet the requirements of regular bowel movements as per nature.

The causes of constipation can be various, such as improper eating habits, inadequate water drinking, inadequate fiber intake, use of short-term medications, sedentary habits, fatigue, mental stress, and other infections or diseases.

Symptoms of constipation include abdominal strain or pain, fewer bowel movements than usual, difficulty passing stools, heavy or incomplete emptying, abdominal heaviness or bloating, gas, rectal tension or itching, and blood or slime in the anus. Can join.

Some general tips to prevent and treat constipation include: These include eating on time, eating foods rich in natural fiber (such as fruits, vegetables, grains), drinking enough water, and exercising regularly.

After we consume food, it is digested by the digestive system. If there is any kind of obstruction in this process, then the food is not digested properly and indigestion occurs and then constipation occurs. Not expelling the stool properly is called constipation. Is

Effective Ayurvedic remedy to get rid of the problem of constipation –

1- Take dry ginger, black pepper and peepal in equal quantity and make powder. Now take one spoon of this powder in the morning and evening, constipation will go away.

2- Eating two spoons of Isabgol with milk at night provides relief from constipation.
3- Taking one spoon of Triphala with warm milk at night keeps the problem of constipation away.

4- Eating papaya in the morning and evening with food keeps constipation at bay.

5- Boil dry ginger, horseradish and celery in equal quantity of water and drinking that water relieves constipation.

Protein: Daily Requirement, Sources of Protein and Protein Benefits.

Your daily requirement for protein is influenced by a number of variables, including as your age, sex, weight, degree of exercise, and general health. 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is the standard Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults. This is only a general recommendation, so it might not apply to everyone.

You could need more protein if you’re an athlete, nursing a baby, recovering from an injury, or have specific medical conditions. To maintain muscle growth and repair, athletes and others who exercise vigorously may require 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.

There are plenty of excellent sources of protein, including meals derived from plants and animals. Here are a few instances:

Animal-derived protein sources:

  1. Lean meats, such as pork tenderloin, lean beef cuts, and chicken or turkey breast.
  2. Fish and seafood, including sardines, shrimp, cod, tuna, and salmon.
  3. Eggs: Whites or whole eggs.
  4. Dairy products: cheese, milk, Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese.
  5. Poultry: turkey and chicken.
    Sixth, red meats: lamb, hog, and beef.

Plant-based protein sources: You can get the essential amino acids from a variety of plant-based protein sources. Here are a few instances:

  1. Legumes: Pinto, kidney, black, chickpeas, and lentils.
  2. Products made from soy: edamame, tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and soy yogurt.
  3. Quinoa: A full protein source and pseudocereal.
  4. Nuts and seeds: flaxseeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, peanuts, walnuts, and almonds.
  5. Seitan: Made from wheat gluten, this meat alternative is high in protein.
  6. Whole grains: buckwheat, amaranth, barley, oats, and brown rice.
  7. Spirulina: A protein-rich kind of blue-green algae.
  8. Compared to other vegetables, green peas have a very high protein content.
  9. Leafy greens: A few grams of protein can be found in spinach, kale, and other leafy greens.
  10. Protein powders made from plants, such as rice, hemp, and pea protein.

While plant-based proteins can supply all the required amino acids, it’s important to keep in mind that some sources may be deficient in particular amino acids compared to others. Therefore, in order to make sure you’re getting a balanced amino acid profile, it’s generally advised to consume a range of plant-based protein sources.

There are other additional protein sources accessible. In order to make sure you’re getting a variety of nutrients, it’s critical to have a diversified diet. It’s especially crucial to mix different plant-based proteins if you have a vegetarian or vegan diet.

What health benefits does protein offer?

The macronutrient protein is necessary for several vital processes in the human body. The following are some of the primary causes of our bodies’ requirement for protein:

1.The building blocks of all tissues, including skin, hair, nails, muscles, and organs, are proteins. Our bodies convert protein that we eat into amino acids, which are subsequently utilized to create new tissues and repair damaged ones. For the body to grow, develop, and maintain its general structure, this process is essential.

2.Proteins called enzymes help the body’s many chemical processes. They accelerate biological reactions that are required for digestion, metabolism, and other vital functions by acting as catalysts.
3.The body uses proteins to manufacture a number of hormones, including thyroid, growth, and insulin. These hormones control a number of biological processes, such as growth, metabolism, and reproduction.

4.The body employs antibodies—proteins made by the immune system—to protect itself from dangerous infections like bacteria, viruses, and other foreign objects. They promote the immune response by assisting in the identification and neutralization of these intruders.

5.Transport and storage: A number of proteins serve as transporters and transport substances, including vitamins, lipids, and oxygen (such as hemoglobin in red blood cells). Certain proteins also serve as storage spaces for vital nutrients and minerals.

6.Energy source: The body uses fats and carbs as its main energy sources, but it can also use the process of gluconeogenesis to break down proteins and turn them into glucose. When the body’s reserves of carbohydrates are exhausted, as happens during extended fasting or vigorous exercise, this happens.

It is significant to remember that many characteristics, like age, sex, body weight, degree of physical activity, and general health, affect the amount of protein required. However, sustaining good health and supporting the body’s numerous processes requires making sure you get enough protein through a balanced diet. It’s also critical to remember that these suggestions are approximations and should be customized to meet your unique requirements. Speaking with a qualified dietician or other healthcare provider might yield tailored recommendations based on your unique situation and objectives.

These fitness tips are very effective for us Indians during winter time.

India’s winters might be difficult for staying in shape because of the lower temperatures and less sunshine hours. You can, however, keep your current level of fitness by making a few minor changes to your regimen. Here are some pointers:

1.Dress appropriately:

When working out outside, wear cozy, warm clothing. To retain heat and shield yourself from the cold, layer your clothes. Remember to cover your extremities with a hat, gloves, and socks to stay warm.

2.Warm up before working out:

The cold can cause your muscles to become rigid, so it’s important to warm up correctly before doing out. Elevate your body temperature and release tension in your muscles by engaging in dynamic stretches or mild aerobic workouts within your home.
3.Opt for indoor workouts: In the event of severe winter weather, think about moving your workout indoors. Participate in at-home workouts with online fitness videos or apps, or join a gym, fitness center, or yoga class. In this manner, you can continue to be active in inclement weather.

4.Stay hydrated:

Staying hydrated is crucial, even if you might not feel as thirsty in the winter as you would in the summer. Even if you don’t feel particularly thirsty throughout the day, consistently sip water. For general health and peak physical performance, hydration is crucial.

5.Embrace winter activities:

Make the most of the season by taking part in physically demanding winter sports. Try skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, or just going on long walks in the cold winter air. These pursuits not only maximize the season but also offer physical activity.

6.Keep a balanced diet:

Year-round fitness maintenance depends on eating a well-balanced diet. Eat a range of healthful grains, fruits, veggies, lean meats, and healthy fats. To keep your body nourished and warm, incorporate warming foods like soups, stews, and herbal teas into your diet.

7.Make sure you get enough rest and recovery:

Giving your body enough time to relax and recuperate is just as vital as continuing to be active. Make sure you get enough sleep every night to help you achieve your overall fitness and health objectives.

8.Remain motivated:

It can be difficult to maintain motivation in the cold. To stay accountable and inspired, find a workout partner or group, set reasonable goals, and monitor your progress. Recall the advantages of consistent exercise, including elevated mood, heightened vitality, and enhanced general well-being.

Before beginning any new workout regimen, remember to speak with a healthcare provider or fitness specialist, particularly if you have any underlying medical concerns.

12 of the best Biotin rich foods that gives glowing skin and strong hair.

Biotin is a vitamin that gives beautiful skin and grows thick hair.

Vitamin B7, sometimes referred to as biotin, is essential for keeping skin and hair healthy. Even though there are biotin pills available, getting nutrients from whole foods is always preferable.
The maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and nails is one of biotin’s primary roles. It is frequently linked to boosting skin health and appearance, strengthening and thickening nails, and encouraging hair growth. The protein keratin, which is the structural element of skin, hair, and nails, is produced in part by biotin.
Because it is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, biotin also contributes to the maintenance of the nervous system’s health.
It is also necessary for supporting the production of several hormones and preserving liver health.
The following list of 12 foods high in biotin can support healthy hair and radiant skin:

1.Eggs: A great source of biotin is eggs. Make sure to eat the entire egg because it contains biotin in both the yolk and the egg whites.

2.Almonds: Almonds are high in protein and good fats, but they also have biotin. Get your daily dose of biotin by munching on a handful of almonds.

3.Salmon: Rich in protein, biotin, and omega-3 fatty acids, this fatty fish is a powerhouse. It gives the skin a healthy sheen and encourages the growth of hair.

4.Sweet potatoes: Rich in vitamins A and C as well as biotin, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of nutrients that are necessary for healthy skin and hair.

5.Avocados: In addition to being tasty, avocados are a good source of biotin. They can enhance the health of your skin because they are high in antioxidants, vitamin E, and healthy fats.

6.Sunflower Seeds: Packed in biotin, sunflower seeds are a tasty snack. They are also a good source of minerals and vitamin E, which support the maintenance of healthy skin and hair.

7.Spinach: Packed with nutrients, spinach is a leafy green food that also contains other vitamins and minerals, including biotin. It helps to support lustrous skin and healthy hair.

8.Greek Yogurt: Rich in protein and rich in biotin, Greek yogurt is a great choice. Probiotics are also present, which promote healthy skin overall.

9.Mushrooms: A variety of mushrooms, including portobello and shiitake, provide biotin. Additionally, they are a fantastic source of antioxidants, which help shield the skin from harm.

10.Carrots: Rich in beta-carotene, carrots help the body produce vitamin A. Skin and hair health are enhanced by vitamin A.

11.Lentils: Rich in protein, fiber, and biotin, lentils are a type of legume. They are an excellent supplement to a balanced diet for good skin and hair.

12.Cauliflower: Rich in biotin, cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable. Additionally, it has a lot of vitamins and antioxidants, both of which support healthy skin.

Since biotin can be found naturally in many different foods, including these foods in your diet will help you maintain healthy hair and bright skin.

Why are Indian youth becoming victims of drug addiction? What is the solution ?

Drug addiction is emerging as a worldwide threat. Especially developing countries like India are rapidly becoming victims of this threat.What could be the reasons for this danger in a country like India? It’s important to note that drug addiction is a complex issue influenced by multiple factors, and it can vary within region as well.
The way that society views drug usage has changed, particularly among younger people. Increased experimentation and addiction may be caused by peer pressure, media influence, and the belief that drug use is hip or socially acceptable.
In India, the abuse of prescription medications—including sedatives and opioids—has grown to be a serious problem. These drugs’ easy availability, lax regulations, and ignorance of their potentially addictive properties have all led to overuse and eventual addiction.

In almost all areas of India, the youth population is becoming its major victim. No Indian state is free from this problem. There are some states where drug addiction rates are scary. Among these states, Punjab is among the states with the highest drug abuse rate.
Drug abuse has been a major problem in the Indian state of Punjab. Due to the high rate of drug addiction and substance abuse issues in Punjab, the area has seen social, economic, and health-related difficulties. Here are some important details regarding drug misuse in Punjab:

1.Geographical location: Punjab borders Pakistan, a well-known hub for drug trafficking from Afghanistan, a significant producer of illegal substances. Drugs are more likely to reach Punjab because of its close proximity to these drug-producing areas.

2.High rates of addiction: Punjab has been shown to have some of India’s highest rates of drug addiction. The issue has impacted residents of all socioeconomic backgrounds in the state’s rural and urban districts.

3.Accessibility and availability: The high rates of addiction have been exacerbated by the easy access to narcotics such as amphetamines, heroin, and opium as well as synthetic drugs like opioids. Drugs are freely accessible in Punjab due to the sophistication of the drug trade networks and smuggling methods.

4.Socioeconomic factors: Punjab has previously experienced severe economic hardships, such as joblessness, a lack of possibilities, and agrarian crises. The state’s social fabric has suffered as a result of these elements as well as the impact drug abuse has on people and families.

5.Cultural factors: The ingestion of opium or cannabis-based products is one of the classic forms of drug usage in Punjab’s past. On the other hand, addiction-related issues have been exacerbated by the misuse and abuse of these substances.

6.Health effects: Substance addiction has led to negative health effects, such as a rise in HIV/AIDS and hepatitis infections because intravenous drug users share needles. Addicts who struggle with mental health conditions such as sadness, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts and feelings are not uncommon.

Steps taken by governments :
Indian government’s steps against the dangers of drug abuse:
The Government of India has issued a toll free number1800-11-0031, from this helpline you can get information related to drug addiction, prevention and awareness and other information. This is a meaningful step by the Government of India towards the increasing dangers of drug abuse in India.
The Punjabi government and other groups have acknowledged the gravity of the drug abuse issue and taken action to combat it. The creation of drug de-addiction centers and rehabilitation facilities, awareness campaigns, and community involvement initiatives are some of the measures taken to prevent drug misuse and offer assistance to those who are affected. Law enforcement has also been stepped up to combat drug trafficking.

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