Digestive biscuits –beneficial or harmful? know in details.

Digestive biscuits :

Are digestive biscuits really as healthy as claimed? The taste of digestive biscuits is unique. Along with its unique taste, does it have any other benefits for our body? Let us investigate this matter in detail.

Digestive biscuits are typically made from a mixture of proof wheat flour, baking powder, sugar, vegetable oil, and salt. Some specialty biscuits may include additional ingredients such as oats or bran. Whole wheat biscuits may have some benefits. Digestive biscuits are made from pure wheat grains which is its best feature.

Digestive biscuits are considered good for health, that is why people like to buy or eat this biscuit. Flour( maida) is not used in digestive biscuits. It is prepared from wheat so it is easily digested in the stomach.
However, it is also a processed food, hence it has its own disadvantages.

Digestive biscuits are a special type of lightly sweetened and less hard biscuits. Although they may provide some nutritional benefits, they are not a substitute for a complete diet.

Digestive biscuits typically contain ingredients other than whole wheat, such as:
Oil, sugar or sugar, butter or ghee, spices including cardamom, nutmeg or black pepper, salt .These ingredients are necessary for digestion.

Marketing of digestive biscuits has been in trend for the last few years, they claim it to be healthy and good for the stomach health and digestive system . But after consuming it, problems like constipation, sour belching, gas etc.. Like the effects of taking regular biscuits ,which put a question mark on their claim. To increase the taste, sodium is also included in its mixture, excess of which in our body leads to high blood pressure. And can become a cause of heart diseases.

Nowadays, in the production of all these digestive biscuits, along with natural sweetener, artificial sweetener is also used, excessive quantity of which increases the risk of increasing blood sugar.
Digestive biscuits contain 10 to 15 percent saturated fat and this is not considered good for the body. According to doctors, consuming too many biscuits increases fat in the body. When it is consumed in excess, it can make you suffer from diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol, obesity etc.

In summary, digestive biscuits can be enjoyed occasionally or as a quick snack, but should not be relied upon as a primary source of nutrition. It is always best to prefer a varied and balanced diet that includes a wide range of nutrient-rich foods.

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