Tadasana Yoga -methology and benefits. Learn step by step.

Tadasana ( Mountain posture) is a traditional asana. This yoga is very simple and accessible. Pulling the body upwards like a Taad (mountain) is called Taad Asana or mountain pose. This is a posture which increases the length of the body.

Method of doing Tadasana (mountain posture)

First of all, stand straight, toes of both the feet should be joined together.

Keep your hands on either side of the body. Maintain distance between both the hands, then while inhaling, raise both the hands upwards or towards the ceiling.

Keep the entire body stable and ensure that the weight of the entire body falls equally on both the legs. Slowly raise the heels upwards and stand with the support of the toes. After that, spread your hands in the upward direction. Now slowly bring your heels to the ground and bring your hands downwards to the starting position. Repeat this asana for 15 minutes.

This is a balancing asana, hence do it slowly.
It is best to do Taad Asana after waking up in the morning. However, this asana can be done any time during the day, not immediately after eating food, but after an hour.

Benefits of Tadasana posture –

This yoga increases the height. it stretches all the muscles of the body. Blood circulation in the body occurs properly. The spinal cord gets stretched due to which its disorders are cured. Knees and arms become stronger. Develops mental balance and is very effective in reducing stress.

The Impact of Sugar- How harmful or beneficial it is for health.

The Impact of Sugar :

Everyone loves sweetness since childhood. We all know that this sweetness reaches us from many sources, of which in the modern era, a big source is sugar which is processed from sugar factories and reaches our plates or mouths.
But do you know what effect this sugar has on our health if we do not consume it wisely? So should we stop eating sweets or sweeteners?

Let us understand through this important article on this important topics
First let us understand what effect consuming it in excess can have on health:

1- Weight gain or obesity :-

Sugar has high calories and low nutrients, that is, the foods high in sugar that we eat or drink increase calorie consumption instead of providing nutrition to the body, due to which our weight increases. Especially sugar is responsible for weight gain or obesity. Is considered to be the cause.

2- Increased risk of chronic disease :-

Excessive consumption of sugar increases triglyceride levels in our body and insulin levels become abnormal, which can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

3-Abnormal blood sugar: –

When we consume sugar in large amounts, the sugar level in the blood increases or decreases rapidly. Due to which our body may become tired and may suffer from instability of energy.

4-Addiction or intoxication of eating sweets: –Sugar also has this property, which encourages us to eat more sweetness, which makes it difficult to control intake and can upset the balance of food.
5-Dental disease: –

Due to excessive consumption, the bacteria in the mouth eat sugar and produce acid, as a result the tooth enamel starts getting destroyed and the chances of gum disease increases. Therefore, sugar plays a major role in tooth decay.

6-Mental health :-

Scientific studies have shown that excessive sugar consumption has a negative impact on our mental health, although research on its accuracy is still ongoing.

Should one stop consuming sugar due to the above reasons?

Absolutely not!

If it is consumed in small or balanced quantities, it is a source of quick energy for our body, replenishes glycogen, helps in digestion, has a positive effect on mental health and also increases the taste of our food. .

Ultimately, it is important to note that excessive sugar consumption from processed foods and sugary beverages is the cause of all these risks. Along with sugar, fiber, vitamins and minerals are naturally found in whole foods, fruits, and dairy products, which reduce the negative effects of sugar.
Therefore, we should balance the intake of excess sugar. Consuming sugar in moderation is part of a balanced diet and sugar should be enjoyed only when consumed in moderation.

Sun salutation (Surya Namaskar) a very beneficial yoga .Let us know step by step

Surya namaskar yoga(sun salutation)

Surya Namaskar Yoga is a wonderful yoga activity, if you do it daily, it can change your life. It can fill new energy in your life. doing it regularly brings new glow on the face , It does not allow wrinkles to appear on your face even with increasing age, making you look young for a long time.it is very beneficial in digestive disorders, stress, blood circulation, weight loss, menstrual disorders etc.

it is done in 12 steps. After doing each step, the same yoga practice has to be repeated to do the new step. Which provides a new energy to your entire body.

1- salutation posture (Pranam Aasan) :

In this asana, first of all you stand straight and fold your hands in the Namaskar position, then take a deep breath and leave your shoulders and your body light. Now while inhaling, move your hands towards the position and while exhaling, reach the Namaskar position. Come in.

The body gets an experience of concentration and peace, which gives relaxation to the body.

2–Raised Arms pose(Hast uttanasan ):

In this asana, take a deep breath and raise your hands upwards and take them near your ears. Then in this position, pull your entire body upwards and push it backwards.

By doing this, strength in the bones of the body increases and there is a lot of relief in the shoulders, lower part, upper part, chest and neck.

3– Hand to Foot pose (Hasta Pada Asana):

In this asana, bend forward and exhale deeply and place your hands on the ground near the toes of your feet so that your head is touching your knees.

By doing this, metabolism improves, which creates flexibility in the body and digestion process also improves.

4– Horse handling posture(Ashwa sanchalan asan):

During this asana, take your left foot back and touch the knee of this foot to the ground and at the same time move your face upwards and look upwards like a fox.

This asana improves eye problems and eyesight, provides relief from knee problems and improves kidney function.

5-Stick pose (Dandasana):

While doing this asana, take both your legs forward and make the body like a straight line.

This controls blood pressure and provides relief to the nerves of the brain.This asana is very simple but its benefits are many. It improves body posture, strengthens the spine and helps in becoming flexible. It is also helpful in digestive disorders.

6- Salute with eight parts(Ashtang aasan):

Ashtanga Yoga is made up of Ashta and Anga . Yoga of eight organs, in which all the eight organs have to be controlled.

Advantages: It focuses on breathing, mental concentration, posture and meditation. It increases stamina, controls body weight. This asana has many benefits.

7-Cobra pose (Bhujang aasan):

Bhujang Asana means snake posture because in this asana our body is like a snake. Its order is seventh in Surya Namaskar.


Doing this asana daily provides relief from back, neck, liver, shoulder pain, knee pain, throat related diseases and stress disorders.

8-Mountain pose(Parvat aasan):

People of all ages can do this asana. The position in this asana is like a mountain, that is why it is called mountain asana. This asana is considered to be a rejuvenating asana for the body.


By doing this asana regularly, it provides relief from fatigue, stress etc. It is beneficial in reducing waist fat. Strengthens the lungs and balances blood circulation.

Mountain pose (Tadasana) in details

9-Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana):

In this asana, the shape of the body looks like the shape of a horse. In this it has to be ensured that the body looks like an inverted V. /\ Thus .


There are many benefits by doing this regularly, like, the spine gets benefited, digestion process improves, blood circulation remains normal etc.

10-Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana):

In this yoga posture, the back is bent backwards. In this, the weight of some part of the body is put on the hands and shoulders.


This asana provides relief from back stiffness, indigestion, back pain, blood flow disorders etc. By doing this regularly, the chest expands, lungs expand and their abilities increase.

11-Plank Pose (Phalakasana):

This asana is made up of two words, plank and asana, so to do this asana, we have to keep our body straight like a wooden plank.


It makes our muscles flexible and gives shape to the abs. Shoulders, arms and Strengthens the wrist. Provides peace to the mind and also increases our concentration

12-Half Way lift (Ardha uttanasan):

This asana should be done only on an empty stomach. In this asana, while bending the hips, exhale, half standing, bend forward and try to touch the ground. The duration of doing this is between 20 to 30 seconds.


There are many tremendous benefits if done regularly. This stretches our muscles, can reduce weight, can normalize the protruding stomach. It is beneficial in respiratory system disorders, asthma etc.

What is it to be mentally healthy? Are you?

What is it to be mentally healthy :

A person is said to be in good mentally healthy if they are aware of their own potential, able to handle everyday challenges, productively work, and give back to their community. It includes psychological, social, and emotional health. In addition to the absence of mental illness, mental health also includes traits like resiliency, self-esteem, strong relationships, and the capacity to overcome obstacles in life.

Can a person always remain mentally healthy

Even if there is a continuum of mental health, it’s important to keep in mind that nobody can have perfect mental health all the time. Similar to physical health, mental health fluctuates over time and is influenced by a wide range of factors, including as genetics, life events, the environment, and individual coping mechanisms.

Periods of stress, melancholy, or concern are normal and expected shifts in mental health. These variances are a common occurrence in people’s daily lives. A mental health disorder that needs to be addressed and treated can be indicated if these symptoms persist, get worse, or significantly impede daily functioning.

To sustain excellent mental health, one must adopt positive attitudes and actions that improve overall wellbeing.

Among the essential components of mental wellness are:
1. Self-care:

Taking care of oneself by doing things like practicing mindfulness, taking up a hobby, getting enough sleep, and eating a balanced diet. These activities help people unwind, reduce stress, and feel better emotionally.

2. Social support:

fostering wholesome connections and looking for assistance from loved ones, friends, or support groups. Having a solid support system can provide you perspective, comfort, and help when things go tough.

3. Building resilience:

which is the capacity to overcome hardship, manage stress, and adapt to change. Building resilience entails developing optimistic thought patterns, problem-solving techniques, and the ability to ask for assistance when required.

4. Work-life balance:

pursuing a harmonious balance between one’s professional, personal, and recreational obligations. Setting limits, using time wisely, and engaging in satisfying hobbies are all ways to improve mental health.

5. Seeking professional support:

Recognizing when assistance from a mental health expert, such as a therapist or counselor, is necessary. They can offer direction, comfort, and therapies for mental health issues that are supported by science.

It’s critical to keep in mind that maintaining good mental health is a lifelong process, with each person’s experience being distinct. While perfect mental health may not be possible to achieve, it is possible to build resilience, create effective coping mechanisms, and live a full life despite sporadic difficulties.
Maintaining excellent mental health requires intentional measures to prioritize mental wellbeing and getting assistance when necessary.

How to know the symptoms of heart attack in time .

These days, cases of heart attack are increasing rapidly. Increasing risk of heart attack in people at young age is becoming a serious problem. The death toll due to heart disease in India is scary. Causes of heart attack include chaotic, uncontrolled and irregular lifestyle, smoking, tobacco consumption, alcohol, water, stressful life, physical inactivity, diabetes, high blood pressure etc.now let’s talk about its symptoms .

How to know the symptoms of heart attack in time :

Heart Attack Symptoms :

A heart attack, occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked, leading to the damage or death of heart muscle cells. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Recognizing the symptoms of a heart attack is crucial for timely medical intervention. Below are some common symptoms:

1.Chest pain or discomfort:

Chest pain or discomfort is the most typical heart attack symptom. A tightness, pressure, squeezing, or weight in the chest is a common sensation. The arm, neck, jaw, or back may also experience radicular pain.

2. Shortness of breath:

Shortness of breath or trouble breathing is another typical symptom. Patients may have chest pain or discomfort in addition to the sensation that they are not getting enough air.

3.Nausea and vomiting:

People having a heart attack can feel queasy or throw up. These symptoms are more prevalent in women, the elderly, or people with diabetes.

4. weariness:

Heart attack victims frequently describe undiagnosed weariness or acute exhaustion. Days or even weeks before the actual attack, this tiredness may set in.

5. Lightheadedness and dizziness:

These two sensations can also be symptoms. The person might experience dizziness or a sense of impending doom.

6.Sweating :

excessively or in cold sweats without apparent cause may be an indication of a heart attack.

7. Pain in other places:

The pain may not always be localized to the chest. Additionally, the neck, jaw, back, and arms (typically the left arm) may also be affected.

8. Heartburn or indigestion:

On sometimes, heart attack symptoms can be confused with indigestion or heartburn. Along with other probable heart attack symptoms, it’s crucial to take these symptoms into account.

It is critical to keep in mind that In a silent heart attack, the patient does not have chest pain. Therefore it becomes quite difficult to identify it but the body starts receiving signals before a silent heart attack occurs. If its symptoms are identified and treated at the right time, the patient’s life can be saved.Some people might only have a few symptoms, while others might have all of them. Additionally, particularly in older folks, ladies, or people with diabetes, symptoms may be more subtle or go unnoticed. If you think you may be having a heart attack, it is always wise to seek medical treatment, especially if you have risk factors like a history of heart disease in your family or a sedentary lifestyle. 

Habits that keep you away from heart diseases 

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